A fundamental transformation of services is underway. The public and private services are recognized as the new source of productivity growth and dynamism in economy. Modern economies are soon 90% based on services. Information and Communication technologies (ICT) are a key factor in this development. We explore how ICT can be used to improve healthcare processes by using the research framework of the Value Creation in Smart Living Environment for Senior Citizen (VESC) project. Two new concepts: Augmented Processes and Mist Computing are proposed. We demonstrate these concepts in the context of processes dealing with remote assistance of senior citizen in outdoor navigation and in kitchen assistance for meal preparation. Additionally, we perform a case study in the Helsinki Meilahti Hospital where we developed a mobile application called Ping App to demonstrate the idea of Augmented Processes to improve healthcare workflows and to identify possible improvements.
ICT services; healthcare; Augmented Process; Mist Computing
Pulli, P., Martikainen, O., Zhang, Y., Naumov, V., Asghar, Z. and Pitkänen, A., Augmented Processes: A Case Study in Healthcare, 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies (ISABEL 2011), 26-29.10.2011 Barcelona, Spain, 6 pp.
Julkaisu on ladattavissa täältä: Augmented Processes-A Case Study in Healthcare-Isabel2011